
The Breathtaking Lingayen Gulf in Pangasinan

  LINGAYEN GULF Lingayen Gulf in Lingayen, Pangasinan is a very soothing sea tourism location in Luzon, Philippines. Lingayen Gulf has a long South China Sea shoreline that runs 56 kilometers (25 miles) from the coastal provinces of Pangasinan to La Union, ideal for a bright sunny morning jog at the beach or a windy afternoon stroll at the shore. Lingayen Beach, one of the beautiful beaches that line the Lingayen Gulf, is where General Douglas MacArthur landed his invasion fleets in 1945 to drive out Japanese invaders during World War II. Other coastal cities of the Gulf include Dagupan and Alaminos in Pangasinan, and San Fernando in La Union, all of which are full of tourist attractions.  Read More: Lingayen,Pangasinan.This is one of the historical places during the time of Spaniards.This is where Gen. Douglas MacArthur and his men landed.Tourist enjoy not only the beach but also the historical site featured at the capitol ground.There is an OPEN MUSEUM where there are statues,maps,re